Thursday, March 30, 2017

I spy with my little

This post isn't really bound by a theme so instead of making some intriguing introduction, let's just jump right into t it shall we?

Image result for calico crittersI've seen some of these cute little creatures around, but couldn't find their name for the life of me. They're called calico critters. How precious are these? Barbie  may have her dream house, but these guys have a luxury town house. I know that, if going based of each characters clothing only, they wouldn't technically be considered mori kei, but they're soo cute. I don't really care what they would be classified as. I've been thinking of collecting them, but I don't really have the space for them.

I know it sounds silly, but I'd like to decorate my room with some of the furniture and fabrics in some of these play sets.
Related image
The next item that peaked my interest is the fairy gardens. I'm all for kits that get people into helping out nature (you know things like building your own birds nest or raising butterflies from larva to set them free.)

Image result for the fairy garden growing kit Now I haven't purchased this for myself, so I don't know how it'll turn out. I really want to try it out, maybe i could buy a bunch of different ones and make some sort of enchanted village.

There are  also these small toys i saw in hottopic the other day. they're called tulipops

Image result for tulipop

Image result for tulipop

You can also buy them from the online store. You can also read each characters profile there too. I think my favorites would be Gloomy, Miss Maddy, and Mr Tree (he's my all time favorite. Who wouldn't want to turn tears into diamonds?)

Then there's the ever so famous monster high.(I'll be honest, I'm having a hard time like the newest monster high movies. Maybe it's the type of thing that has to grow on you....)
You might be thinking my favorite characters are Venus mcflytrap, 

Image result for monster high venus mcflytrap

Aminita nightshade 

Image result for monster high amanita nightshade

or    Dawndancer, right?

Related image
While  I do like them (well I like miss Nightshades character design, but I'm not fond of how she treats Cleo) my favorite monster high character would have to be a tie between Casta Feirce and HooDude Voodoo.

Image result for monster high casta fierce Image result for monster high hoodude 

Sunday, March 26, 2017

garden planning: inspiration, aesthetic and planning, pt2

I've been looking at gardens (okay, i'm always looking at gardens, but I digress) and started thing about raised garden beds.

Image result for raised garden bed

So here's just a picture i found on google, but then i started to think about altering the shape.
Here's a crummy sketch of what I've been thinking about.

Coffin/ sarcophagus shaped beds. I'm thinking about the colors i could paint them. I'm leaning towards a dark purple (honestly I don't want everything to be black because adding color seems to add more character)  As you can see, I haven't decided on what to plant yet (fruits veggies, or flowers. Maybe I'll do a mix of all three) I haven't mapped out the measurements yet. I think I'll save that for when i actually get a place to start planting.

I've also been thinking about storage and cute decor 
Using ladders is a great idea for potted plants and storage.

Image result for garden ladders

Image result for garden ladders

Image result for garden ladders

and a 30 sec. sketch of what i want in my garden.

Because I don't have a space for my garden yet,I'm preparing for a small space and will expand on it if i get the chance. 

I know this is a really short post, but that's the way I like it.

Friday, March 24, 2017

garden planning: inspiration, aesthetic and planning, pt1

[This isn't really a how-to guide, It's more of a journal of thoughts about planting and growing a garden]

Today's topic is about laying out the plans (skeleton. blueprints, whatever you want to call it) of a garden.

there are a few important things to keep in mind when starting a garden.

  1. how big or small will it be?
  2. is there enough sunlight?
  3. how often do you plan to water your plants?
  4. what are you planting ?
  5. when are you going to start planting and how's the soil quality? 
There eventually be more questions that arise, but let's take it a step at a time.
I want my garden to be relatively small. I don't have an exact size yet, but I know that I don't want to look after too many plants. (I simply don't have the time) I've got sunlight covered for the most part, and watering too. I really want to concentrated on design so instead of dragging my heels and lollygagging let's jump into design, shall we?

If you follow my pintrest you would've seen my gothic gardening board. I've basically pulling ideas form everywhere to come up with a design i like. I've visited arboretums, and my schools bonsai cub, and even analyzed the mess out of the garden from Coraline.  In doing so, I've notice a couple of traits that are common in the gardens i like.

  Image result for coraline garden

Traits I like
  1. stone accents. things like gargoyles, tombstones, stone boarders, statues
  2. metal. things like iron gates, or 
  3. moss. it gives an old, creepy feeling while still being charming
  4. dark colored or plants associated with being creepy. pumpkins, blackberries, roses etc...

Image result for Gingerbread Mansion Ferndale CA garden

taken at the gingerbread mansion in Ferndale CA. Here's a picture of the gingerbread mansion's garden. The fountain in the middle and the crisp cuts of the hedges give off an Victorian feel. 

Iron fencing was often used in the Victorian era, and is one of the reasons i find it to be almost natural to be in a darkly themed garden (aside from the harsh lifeless look of iron against the flourishing flora). Angles, gargoyles and fountains made of stone have all been reoccurring decor options for many years thus giving the garden a since of  age and mystery.
I'm almost positive that there's no way i could fit all of these things in my garden and it not look cramped... unless.
Yup, I'll just scale everything down a little bit. I've started to make little doodles in the margins and on the back of any and every piece of paper i could find. It's going to take some work, and a lot of time but I think it'll be worth it in the end.
Image result for morticia addams cutting rose

Here are some posts, and articles that may explain the whole gothic garden thing a little better 

goth gardening tips written by Nikki Tiley,  writer of  The gothic crypt (a very informative ebook, that's not too lengthy. I highly recommend skimming through it if you get the chance) 

This is a pretty old post but trickortreat's gothic garden:the witches house is a good place to find inspiration too.

Elements of a gothic garden by J. A Young, and Katy Bosin

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

who or what inspires you? lifestyle pt.2

Lilly Jarolsson lives a retro lifestyle and seems to have extraordinary luck when it comes to thrifting. While she isn't a mori girl, she has excellent tips on living an alternative lifestyle and having the confidence to do so. Her advise is sensible, and applicable to those in any subculture, or who just don't fit the "normal" mold. Not to mention, Lilly's collection of clocks is really impressive and it's not something people usually collect. It made me think of the small things i collect and appreciate them more. I also like her demeanor (if that makes sense) She dons't seem overly rushed and is keen on having good manors. Lilly may have the retro aesthetic but doesn't believes in racist, bigoted, homophobic mentality or ideas of previous decades. In fact, she expresses her views in one of her videos after being asked about it. She is very much herself, and that's something i can always agree with.

This is probably the video that everyone can relate to.

Feel free to check out her Youtube, pinterest, and Facebook page here.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

who or what inspires you? life style pt..1

This question is pretty simple, but there are soo many things that inspire me that i decided to make it its own section. I don't want to concentrate on the things that inspire my clothes only, there are things like my writing, or lifestyle that i'd also like to share.

I guess i should just jump right into it, huh?

Lifestyle pt. 1
I'm not going to list everyone down simply because I'd like to go into detail without creating a lengthy post.

Image result for tasha tudor
First up is Tasha Tudor. I'm almost positive that she will appear on several mori girl blogs, but that's for good reason. She was a writer and illustrator of children's books. I absolutely lover her art work (as you may know if you've been on my pinterest), but she definitely took her time and enjoyed small details. 

Her home decor is so cute, but practical as well. I've also looked at her garden when i need some ideas on how I want mine to look.Sometimes i just scroll though her pictures and think about how I'd like to live. (but I'll talk more on that later)
I think I have a  higher level of awe (i'm sure there's a better word for what i'm trying to convey, but this'll do for now) who can be completely themselves.

Image result for tasha tudor garden home

In terms of clothing aesthetics, she defiantly has a very charming look. ('ll be completely honest, I've started wear bandannas/head scarves, vests, and apron because of her.I I don't eer copy her peice for peice, but I do but clothes that i wouldn't have looked at if it had not been for her. While she would be considered someone who wears natural kei (if we were to classify her into a modern fashion based subculture) she is still the first person I would recommend people in the mori kei community who are looking for lifestyle, or artistic inspiration. 

Some of her artwork
Image result for tasha tudor art

Image result for tasha tudor art

ideas for writing:

Finding inactive blogs is kind of finding hidden treasures. Sort of like abandoned houses that lurk in the depths of the internet. And with that being said, please check out Gothicked's Elements of gothic literature . There are plenty of goodies to find on this blog. (If gothic literature is your thing or if your just getting into it, this is a lovely blog full recommendations, and short stories.

Monday, March 20, 2017

first day of spring

why hello there! Today is the first day of spring which means no more snow!! (hopefully) I suppose the first day of spring (well the first of anything) gets me thinking of things i'm looking forward to. so here's a list of things I'm looking forward to

  • The cherry blossom festival!!! (this is like the highlight of spring for me). 
  • hiking 
  • going biking without slipping on black ice (because I've been known to bike in the winter... not the best idea I've had.)
  • festival of colors
  • reptile conventions
  • oohh the open market is opening soon
  • the dragon boat festival
  • warmer weather (not too hot, not too cold)
There's a lot of things to look forward to. I guess i'm just really happy to be excited for something.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Music: soundracks to listen to in the woods

I've been in the market for a new bike for a while now, and remembered that i had a playlist dedicated to just for long rides (I have a playlist for everything.) Of coarse my musical preferences have changed since i made it back in middle school. I ended up just making another one on youtube. Instead of listing every track in my bike ride playlist I'm just going to give you a little preview, and leave a link to actual playlist  right here *pat pat.

stranger things opening

sleepy hallow theme
the X-Files theme
Buffy the vampire slayer theme: (Let me just open up this giant can of nostalgia) 

and on that note the theme for Angel
I loved this song so much. Sanctuary is one of those songs that's too good to forget, ya' know?

the end song for Bones

Of coarse there's a plethora of lighthearted songs in the playlist too.

La maison from Amelie's soundtrack is so beautiful. In fact, this movie has a ton of music that I would recommend to those in the community.  

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Recipes: Orange cranberry scones.

I love scones. I know people in my kawaii community are obsessed with macrons, but scones are my kryptonite (well, that and tea, books, and candles) Scones aren't supper dense but they're not so light that you'll forget that you ate them. A good scone is not dry at all. I've had some pretty crummy ones in the past (no pun intended) I've eaten a scone that ... well, my family likes to call it the  stone scone incident of '03. Putting that aside, here's recipe that won't end in disaster. Orange cranberry scones <3

Image result for orange scones

  • 2 cups  all purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup of sugar
  • 1tsp. baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 cup of dried cranberries
  • 1 1/2 tsp. of orange zest
  • 1/2 cup of sour cream
  • 1 egg
  • 1 stick of frozen butter (8 tbs.)

8 tablespoons unsalted butter, frozen
    Image result for coarse meal
  1. First preheat the oven to 400 degrees
  2. mix the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt) in a mixing bowl
  3. coarsely chop butter and mix into dry mix. It should look like coarse meal (you can use your hands or a food processor)
  4. using another bowl, whisk sour cream and eggs until its smooth
  5. fork out egg mixture into the dry ingredients and stir until large dough balls form. (do not add liquid, just keep pressing the dough together)
  6. place on a floured surface, and shape it into a circle with 3/4 in. thickness
  7. cut the circle into 8 triangles ( take those 8 triangles and shape them into hearts)
  8. place on parchment lined cookie sheet (about 1 in. apart) and bake for 17 min.
  9. let cool for 5 min. (aluminum foil keeps in the moister, so if you're going to save them for later be sure to wrap them in it.) 

Friday, March 3, 2017


I know I've concentrated on music for dark mori, but it think I should lighten things up every once and  a while, no?

The recipe song by milk is so sweet and calming. I love all the girls and clothes It's defiantly something I would categorize as mori kei music. What do you think?

To the Library!

Image result for books vintage
I spend a reasonable amount of time in the library... well, sometimes I have to be dragged out, but with that amount of knowledge in one place? Of coarse I take my time! (and that my dear, is very reasonable. you can't read everything in 5 min. you know?) I admit I've been so preoccupied that I didn't get my library card 'till this semester (well, the one for this school anyway.

Why I like the library:
  1. It's easy to study in a place dedicated to learning
  2. Temperature controlled rooms. Seriously. If you're stuck in the cold or,heaven forbid, scorched by the sun just go to the library
  3. Umm... books? Yes. Books. Suitable reading materials that won't cause your eyes to catch on fire, or that "I've been tilting my head up trying to look at the screen for hours while playing skyrim" neck.
  4. Human interaction. If I really want to lie to myself and say that I've spent time with people then the library is the best setting for that. Technically you are spending time with people, even if you don't feel like talking to them.
  5. renting! Yup. Even though i'm someone who hates barrowing from people, I don't mind checkin out books. Sometimes I just don't have the money to buy a book, so this is the next best thing!
  6. Let's not forget movies, and CDs. Your library offers way more than just books. If you're lucky, the library might have reading lists or a recommendation center.
  7. Computers.I can't tall you how many times I've updated my blog from a computer that wasn't at home. (but let's be real, I was also shopping and watching monster high at the same time.)
  8. Getting help. If you're not tech. savvy or just having an off day ask for help. Seriously, that's why the staff members are there.
  9. interest meetings. The library near my old house had intrest meetings in the private rooms. There was an anime club,(where they talked about how the writing formulas for popular anime and manga has changed over time) a botany club,(sometimes we'd meet outside of the library for field trips) and the language and literature club.
  10. you can find out what's happening in the community . Our school's library has a bulletin board full of activities and events.
  11. privacy! I like to sit in the seats that a perfectly tucked behind walls and bookshelves. Sometimes I need a nap, but more often than not I'm just socially exhausted and need to recharge.
  12. but really, human interaction. Study groups thrive on the library for good reason.
  13. The history of a library itself  is interesting. Especially if it's a historical site, or a really old building.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

photo set: cold

So I've been challenging myself to take pictures of things that represent a word. This month the word is cold So This is what I shot.

Things to keep out the cold. In colors like grey and unsaturated blue.
 (this is actually blue)

things shot in the cold

Blooming trees to represent the end of the cold season

writing challenge day 5

Day 5:Memento Mori- Write about a photographer taking a memento mori photo

                                               The photographer.

        Here in the dead of winter, in the midst of my neighbor's immaculate rose garden laid a young women. She was about five feet and some odd inches. Her brunette locks laid just over the bust of
her multilayered  cream dress, as her head was then propped up on a nearby stone. Her neck was engraved with the same pattern as a swaying rope tangled in the branches above our heads. "Please have her hands folded on her abdomen" Said the tall gentleman. He lugged his worn camera equipment near the corps as he gave orders to his assistant. He bent over and positioned each lock and fabric fold in a way that made the women look like she had just fallen from haven. He became engrossed in his work, so much so that he hadn't given much thought to the soil that began staining  his pin striped trousers. He was a relatively old man, possibly in his late sixties or so, and had curly hair that  scraped the tips of his ears.
       He planted the cameras legs into the soggy ground and scurried back into the house to grab what looked like a cape, possibly belonging to a child. Seeing the details of his movement became increasingly difficult seeing as I was hiding behind a bush. I leaned in closer to get a better view, but had ultimately lost my balance. In an attempt to catch myself I grasped for anything and everything to keep from alarming the adults of my presence, including a bush full of thorns. As the thorns sank into my flesh, a loud shrill shot out of my mouth. My mother had always said my curiosity would be the death of me, but I had always assumed that phrase to be an expedient substitute for scolding. The tall man who had set up the camera loomed over me, blocking the sun and casted what felt like the shadow of death. I raised my eyes to see his but a shimmering object in his right breast pocket caught my eye. It was a golden watch swaying in the same notion as the rope above. I'm sure several seconds had passed by but the watch could not keep track of a single one. I refocused my eyes on the tall man who seemed to have grown  since I had seen him in the distance. However that could've just been his top hat.The man gave me a sheepish smile, extended his hand and said "I'm a bit on the sentimental side I'm afraid." I didn't say a word. I certainly didn't want to dig my own grave, so to speak. The man continued "the watch I mean" as he lifted me out of a pile of thorns. You are not angry at me for spying on you? I asked. Not at all he replied. I knew you were there the whole time. I could feel my face burn with guilt, but continued to question the man's activities. I am a photographer of sorts He replied. I've taken pictures of  weddings and births, but nothing gives me more joy than taking a memento mori photo.
     What's that? I asked the question so quickly I hardly realized I had even asked it. It gets it's name from a Latin expression meaning "remember that you have to die". In essence It's art centered around death. Would you like to see?" He extended his hand towards me once more. If my curiosity was not occupying my mind I'm sure impulsivity would surly take it's place. I grabbed his hand as he lead me to the camera. I plucked the remaining thorns out my hand and then fell several steps behind the tall gentleman to remove the rest from my backside. The woman who laid on the ground was now surrounded by beautiful flowers and stone animals, and the prints stained on her neck from the rope were now covered with a yellow scarf.. It was almost like I had stepped into a fairytale. Her face, however, was so pale that I began regretting getting this close. I couldn't bare to look at her anymore, I turned my attention back to the man. The photographer put the child's cape over the camera, then looked at me with the utmost of concern and bewilderment. I had never spoken to this woman, yet I felt a sadness I had never felt before. "It helps if you talk to her." said the photographer. I knew from the second his carriage swung around the corner to enter our neighborhood that he was an odd fellow, but I never imagined him to be insane. I decided to ignore the advice and inquire about the cape that laid over the camera. "Ah yes!" The man exclaimed with such joy. "This helps me see what I'm going to capture, and this is where the flash is produced. This is a copper plate coated with silver then treated with iodine vapor to make it sensitive to light." He continued on with the explanation of parts and how they work and grew more enthusiastic with every word. I did not care too much for the details, I was more amused with how excited the photographer was. He seemed to revert to a school boy that had just found a pond of bull frogs. This old man that works so closely with death was so innocent, so free. I couldn't help but catch his contagious excitement. He paused for a bit, and his boyish laughter sunk into the comforting smile of a grandparent. "There's a bit of a trick to it." He said pointing to the deceased. "Here, I'll show you". He then bent over, pinched the girl's cheeks and flicked the end of her nose. I curiously leaned forward to see her face flush a sweet country rose tint. "Because the air is so cold, she will looked flushed longer than if it were summer." He explained. The girl's parents, who were standing nearby and getting instructions from the photographer's assistants, walked towards the girl and sat beside her. The father placed his left arm around the girl and tilted her head slightly forward with it. The father did the same thing but with her right arm. They both leaned in, and looked as if this were just another family portrait.  "Now stand back a bit, I'd like to get these pictures just right." said the photographer. His voice changes a bit when he gives instructions. He ducked his head under the small cape and clicked the remote with his right hand. The man's position reminded me of a master puppeteer hiding his face from the audience to better the show. Then a giant burst of light as bright as the summer sun shot out of the contraption. The man fidgeted under the fabric for awhile than reveled himself again. Upon rising his hat fell to the ground uncovering his disheveled hair and another childlike smile.
     The man snatched his hat from the ground then placed it on my head. "The name is William, and yours would be...?" He inquired.  Surely I would've known to pay attention to an adult while they spoke but I was in distracted by the family's calm demeanor. "I'm thirteen"  I replied. The man stopped for a bit then laughed. "Well then miss thirteen, I should return you to your home. I'm sure your parents are worried. I just have to put away my equipment." Before he could finish I collapsed the legs of the camera and put everything back in the cedar box it came out of. This time his hat fell of my head reveling the same sheepish smile I had received earlier. We both laughed a bit and headed towards my house.
   " Mr. William?" I asked. "If I die before you do,  would you to take my photo as well?" I realize that was a rather rude question, but I had hoped that he knew that I was simple posing a question and not a threat. " Of course  miss Thirteen." He responded. "And should I die  before you would you do the same for me?" He asked as he gave me his broken watch. I looked up at him, smiled and said "Of course Mr. William, but I'd want to keep taking pictures  while we're still here." Mr. William walked through our neighbors front gate, and faced my house. He wasn't looking at it, he was just looking past it. Maybe he was connecting the setting sun to the tree line, and imagining what the world would be like if people weren't around like I usually do. Then he looked down at me and said "Me too, kid, me too."

So that wraps up day 5 of the writing challenge. I'm sure I should go back and edit the story, but it's not too bad for piece with a time limit.

If I didn't say this before these questions weren't made by me but by  Forest and tea  so please be sure to check out her blog.
And as always, the questions/requirements for the current challenge are listed below

WRITE 1. Comfort Food: Write about eating or preparing a meal.
2. Mind Garden: Describe your dream garden.
3. Furry Friends: Write a short adventure with an animal companion.
4. Goblin King: Write a list of demands the Goblin King would make.
5. Memento Mori: Write about a photographer taking a memento mori photo.
6. Mushroom Mushroom: Write about magical wish-granting mushrooms (not original I know).
7. Winter Mori: Write a winter mori adventure (would you go in the snow or stay in the lodge?).
8. Summer Mori: Write about a journey through a sandy desert.
9. Traditional: Write an information piece about a cultural artifact/tradition from your country.
10. Favorite Color: Write something titled “[your favorite color]”.
11. Least Favorite Color: Create a character who has a fear of your least favorite color.
12. Flight: Write about a birds flight to a wonderful new land.
13. Float: Write a story that beings or ends with the main character floating.
14. Fairy Tale: Write an unexpected alternate ending to your favorite fairy tale.
15. Music: Write a song!
16. Exotic: Create an exotic character.
17. Paper: Decorate writing paper or write quotes from a book you love.
18. Fruity: Write as much as you can about every fruit you can think of.
19. Little Blessings: Write about the little blessings in your life and remember to appreciate them.
20. Down the Rabbit Hole: Write about what Alice sees as she falls down the rabbit hole.
21. Japan: Write about all you’d see/do on a trip to Japan.
22. Vintage: Write about your past life during the vintage era.
23. Editorial: Write an article for the “Mori Messenger”, a mori girl newspaper.
24. School days: Write about your first day in a new school.
25. Bento: Write a recipe for a bento box.
26. Back to the Future: Write about a forest on the moon and plants that grow there.
27. Little Things: Write a story about what would happen if you pet was 20x its regular size.
28. Sleepy: Write about your strangest/favorite/scariest dream.
29. Annoying: Write about the most annoying day ever (real or fictional) but have a happy ending.
30. Meme: Complete the mori blog challenge, or a list of personal facts meme.
31. Victory!: Make yourself a “Congratulations you did the Mori Challenge” certificate to award


a small treasure box

in the middle of sewing. Kind of gives of a dreamy feeling, don't you think?

clay strawberries in a basket
