Thursday, April 13, 2017

A slow, but interesting day

I've been learning how to relax (ugggh, it's so hard to do especially when I'm used to running around all the time) I usually start my day off with a nice cup of tea. (I'm using my new tea infuser and some lose leaf jasmine tea) and some rice porridge. This is a great breakfast, especially if you want to feel full for a long period of time and/or if your stomach is too sensitive to eat normal breakfast. (As is the case with me.)  

Afterwards, I  fed and walk the dogs and took a couple of photos. There's a tree right outside my window that I call Gavin. Now that it's in bloom I hear clumsy bumbling bees bumping into my window. (I can't help but laugh to myself when i hear it)

The blooming tree

we also came across a very pretty patch of weeds. I know that some people hated them, but I love the different hues of nature wherever I can find them.

Taking pictures of animals is kind of hard because they can hear you coming from a mile away. Look closely, what animals do you see??

After going off to school, finishing up m y classes, and studying for a bit I decided to linger in the library.I picked up some language learning aids and the Tale of Genji (everyone should read this book!!) These books were all found in the same section which is always a great thing for me. (I can't stand walking in front of  the large crowds that surround the study rooms, so the less roaming around (In this case) the better)

I also ordered King Lear and Gothic charm school a while back and am excited to continue reading them. King Lear was one of my least favorite play by Shakespeare, but I guess things change as you age because now i love it. I won't give any spoilers, but HOLY CRAP! the court jester throws so much shade. (I love how sassy Shakespeare is)

My package from plasticland came in today!!!  I'll make a separate post on that later. I also made dinner, and went right back to studying. and walked the dogs a couple more times. Now that the day was winding down I decided to knit a bit, and do some reading and blogged on my other blogger. 

Oh man, I also got an early birthday present from my brother but let's hold off on that for now.

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