Tuesday, February 28, 2017

writing challenge day 4

4. Goblin King: Write a list of demands the Goblin King would make.
(I think I'm going to time this for 1 min. It's not apart of the challenge, but I'm running late for a meeting)

  1.  sandwiches! Bring me sandwiches, lots of them!
  2. A thrown, I am a king after all.
  3. shinnies. trinkets, knickknacks, doodads and alike. Why? Because I like them. 
  4. furs
  5. a time keeping device. How a bout one those call-lenders? It's important to be organized you know? I don't want to prank too many people in one day.
  6. a giant pot labeled "made for children". I don't actually eat them, but it sure is fun to watch their small eyes enlarge as the scream and run for the hills. 
  7. firewood. Its best you not ask why.
  8. A beware of Goblins sign or welcome mat. You choose, I'm just spit ballin' here
  9. a BBQ spit, some metal ores and sharpening tools for our... tools...
  10. world's best boss mug. Yes, I really do want one. In fact, destroy the rest of them so people don't get any funny ideas about being the best boss.

Well I'm out of time (man, this was a little tougher than I thought. Oh well. I'll just write a little more for the next day's challenge.)

So that wraps up day 4 of the writing challenge, if I didn't say this before these questions weren't made by me but by  Forest and tea  so please be sure to check out her blog.
And as always, the questions/requirements for the current challenge are listed below

WRITE 1. Comfort Food: Write about eating or preparing a meal.
2. Mind Garden: Describe your dream garden.
3. Furry Friends: Write a short adventure with an animal companion.
4. Goblin King: Write a list of demands the Goblin King would make.
5. Memento Mori: Write about a photographer taking a memento mori photo.
6. Mushroom Mushroom: Write about magical wish-granting mushrooms (not original I know).
7. Winter Mori: Write a winter mori adventure (would you go in the snow or stay in the lodge?).
8. Summer Mori: Write about a journey through a sandy desert.
9. Traditional: Write an information piece about a cultural artifact/tradition from your country.
10. Favorite Color: Write something titled “[your favorite color]”.
11. Least Favorite Color: Create a character who has a fear of your least favorite color.
12. Flight: Write about a birds flight to a wonderful new land.
13. Float: Write a story that beings or ends with the main character floating.
14. Fairy Tale: Write an unexpected alternate ending to your favorite fairy tale.
15. Music: Write a song!
16. Exotic: Create an exotic character.
17. Paper: Decorate writing paper or write quotes from a book you love.
18. Fruity: Write as much as you can about every fruit you can think of.
19. Little Blessings: Write about the little blessings in your life and remember to appreciate them.
20. Down the Rabbit Hole: Write about what Alice sees as she falls down the rabbit hole.
21. Japan: Write about all you’d see/do on a trip to Japan.
22. Vintage: Write about your past life during the vintage era.
23. Editorial: Write an article for the “Mori Messenger”, a mori girl newspaper.
24. School days: Write about your first day in a new school.
25. Bento: Write a recipe for a bento box.
26. Back to the Future: Write about a forest on the moon and plants that grow there.
27. Little Things: Write a story about what would happen if you pet was 20x its regular size.
28. Sleepy: Write about your strangest/favorite/scariest dream.
29. Annoying: Write about the most annoying day ever (real or fictional) but have a happy ending.
30. Meme: Complete the mori blog challenge, or a list of personal facts meme.
31. Victory!: Make yourself a “Congratulations you did the Mori Challenge” certificate to award

What i've been working on....

Sewing is easier than it looks and at the same time way harder than it looks. I've been thinking about how everyone in the mori community has their own style. I absolutely love that about alt. fashion, but I'm at a loss when it comes to my own style. I really want it to be fairytale-esque and have been doing some sketches of what I want. I really admire people who can just put things together and it turn out amazingly. I'm... not that person. There are some days where I just try on all my clothes and mix and match them to find an outfit I want. Most times, however, I just draw what I want and try to make an out fit from the picture. After a while I started drawing things  that I didn't have, and realized that it's probably time to start sewing again. My designs have a tendency to come out horribly or way better than expected. That's why I said sewing is easier and harder than it looks. There's simply no in between. I guess I just need more practice.  this is what I've been working on lately.

elastic for the waistband

Making the waistband casing.

Boom! waistband done

I decided to make this cinch in under the bust to give it some shape. I know Mori clothes doesn't usually have a definite shape (... maybe a structured shape is a better way to phrase it) but I'm already large, so I think giving it some sort of shape will be better for me.

I'm really happy with it so far, now I just have to finish up the edges! Sew, sew, sew!


Here's another dress I've been sewing. The black ins made out of cotton while the grey on the left side is hand dyed muslin and the right side is grey with floral detailing. This jumper skirt kind of  reminds me of a Hanbok when I put it on just because of the silhouette. I think dark mori can still be dark and look like mori kei with out falling under the western idea of goth. I really like how this dress turned out because it can look like it has a gothicly influenced coord or just like a dark version of mori by simple changing the accessories. 

(dark mori with no gothic influence)

(slightly gothicly inclined). I 've notice that large black hats are popular with the mori girls/guys that are interested in western goth.  It always reminds me of Lydia Deetz from BeetlejuiceImage result for large black hat  lydia deetz 

 Mine is nowhere as large as hers but I like it anyway. I decided to use boots instead of flats, and a necklace with purple beads and a silver brooch. It seems, at least to me, that the witchy influence shines through in the harder material that's used. Things like crystals, metals (particularly silver because of its association with the moon) and bones.
I have to say that boots and pointed toe shoes look a bit creepier than regular old flats.

I really like mori kei because it looks like someone is wearing a waterfall at midnight...that sounds odd, but it looks like a nice feeling.

 Hmm... The best way I can explain the feeling is like this:
When I was younger  I used to wear really baggy shirts. ( they were actually my dad's, but I digress.) When I'd sit down to watch t.v I'd pull in my arms, and legs and leave my head popping out the top. If it was a lazy Saturday morning I would grab all the covers off my bed, surround myself with them and curl back into my t-shirt ball. I stayed tucked in that ball surrounded by that quilted nest for hours (or at least until my dad wanted the remote back.)
It's like jumping in a pile of warm clothes fresh from the dryer! Like a fabric hug, but not the uncomfortable one you give your long lost cousin you just met over a last minute brunch. You know, the awkward side hug that began with the both of you extending and retracting  one hand for a hand shake while simultaneously arching the other hand in the air to signal for a hug, then dodging left and right to see if a hug is even appropriate. The type of hug that eventually culminates in a uncomfortably soft collision of a mutually unwanted and lengthy touch. It's like the exact opposite of that.

Mori kei is also practical. I guess that's why I don't mind taking the time to sew or thrift for things. I know that I can use whatever I have for  anything. That being said, I'm not going to give up my love for OTT sweet pink frills. There's a time and a place for that. A time and a place , my friend.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Dark mori music?- Midnight snydicate

If you like Nox Arcan then you'll like Midnight syndicate. Here are a few songs that are my personal favorites. If you like dark ambient, classical music this band is for you.

Dark mori music? - Nox Arcana

Nox Arcana has a dark ambient feel that I love. Sometimes I just put their songs on when I want to relax or just go for a stroll. It's eerie but also soothing.
These are a few of my favorite songs by them.

 (crystal forest is actually my all time favorite.)

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

just some thoughts

dark mori

I find myself leaning more and more towards mori kei.  The clothing style is very pragmatic, but it's the lifestyle that really inspires me. 

I think the lifestyle is more of what make a mori girl or boy well… a mori girl/boy.

A mori lifestyler takes the time to enjoy what life has to offer. Traveling alone, or having some quite time is a great pass time. Mori girls, however, aren't necessarily loaners. They can just as easily hang out  with their friends. They have a really calming attitude, and love fairy tales. I'll get more into the life style in a later post, as for now please enjoy some pictures that remind me of mori kei.

practice photography

Little mori kei accessories I bought from Aliexpress. I think if I take pictures of everyday items, then I'll get better...

mori kei 30day challenge (shadyoaks version) 13-17

13- What films, if any, inspire your mori girl look and life?
  • Snow queen 1982
  • the secret garden
  • into the woods
  • The mourning forest

I'm not a movie buff, but these are movies I would defiantly recommend.

14- do you like to coordinate the colors in your outfits to match the seasons? what colors do you think are most appropriate for each season, and why, if you’d like to explain?
It really doesn't matter to me. I think green I good for any season. I try to put lots of colo into dark mori to brighten it up, and avoid more than one color in regular mori kei just because it looks better to me.

15- post a photo of your favorite personal mori girl coordinate.

I wish I had a better shot of this, but oh well.
The outer layer: Black flora dress (I like to use loose fitting button dresses as jackets.
under that is  a black sleeveless vest that's about waist length.
Under that is a black tank top, and a floor length black skirt.
shoes: black round toed flats

Hair: wine red wig, with lace braided into it, and a black hat from jos. A bank.

accessories: picnic basket, hand made bag

I like this outfit, because its temperature friendly. If I was too hot I could take off a layer, or add a layer if it's too cold. I know that patterns aren't a big thing in mori kei, in fact it's more of a natural kei thing. I like that this is one of those transitional outfit. I didn't start to wear dark mori regularly, but this was the first outfit were I started to feel like myself. I guess it's not that this was my favorite outfit because of the actual clothes, it's because  its the point where I started to have fun with my clothes again. I don't know much, and I'm sure I'll look back on this outfit and cringe (that seems to be the story of my life) but I don't mind. It's a starting point to learning new things and enjoying life in a different way (not saying that I now hate all things super sugary and pink because I like mori kei now. That also holds true for my appreciation for  dark humor beauty and aesthetic.) I think that mori keii has a much more reasonable lifestyle associated with it and that's something I can whole haertedly agree with. I don't know, Hmm.... It's kind of hard to explain but.... You know when you find something  new, but you also know that you'll love it even after the novelty of it has dissipated? That feeling like "oh, hey... this is... this is not a phase! wow this is great, I can do this" That's the feeling I had when I wore this outfit. I know it's not perfect, but neither am I. I hope to learn as much as possible and get better with this style. 

16- post at least 5 photos that inspire you. They don’t necessarily have to be fashion!

I really want to contribute to a community. Lurking around is something that I usually do, but I struggle getting out there. I've made videos, and post things every now and then, but I know I could do better. This is actualy a picture of the kawaii community that I was in. I chose this photo because this was the day that i really started to notice people bonding together.Some of the lovely ladies stood up for those who didn't want their picture taken and shared tips on how to improve their style. It was gratifying to actually get out of my comfort zone and meet people. I kind of keep the picture around to remind myself to get out there.

I want to live my life as an adventure. (Not like the " I woke up in an alley three states over smelling like vodka, and have a tattoo of deaf leopard on my calf and may have had a organ harvested" adventure) I want to save the good moments, and be able to laugh at the bad ones. I want to still remain as serious as I am now, but learn to be a little more lenient, and less stern. (don't get me wrong, there's a time and a place.... but I want to develope a calm attitude and not a grumpy bear one)   There are several things I wish I continued. I used to used to go exploring but life seemed to get in the way of living. Sometimes I re-realize that I'm the one making the choices for my life, and that no one else can. I want to be the type of person who doesn't get weighed down by the hustle and bustle and just... well be free.Maybe life would be actual adventure if i took the time to make it so.

I like dark thing, creepy things, glowing red eye things,
spooky things,  chilling things, and scary things that fly things. 
Anything, and everything, they're all my kind of things.

I want to express myself without putting myself in a box. Yes I like the color pink (although my favorites are purple, green and black) Yes, I like Barbie, and sugary anime.  I also like gothic literature, and binge watch BBC's In the flesh, and listen to Creepy doll music during my morning routine. I have a list of graveyards, and catacombs I want to see. My favorite animals are bat, moths and oh yeah puppies. I like Hannibal Lecter movies, and binge watched the whole Barbie life in the dream house series... twice.  If I had the choice to be a fairy or a goblin queen I'd pick both and not regret the choice even for a second. The point is, I don't want to force myself to believe that I have to be all pink, or all mori-esque all the time. People are multifaceted creatures, and should express ourselves accordingly. My interests change, I change but at the core of all those changes are the many things that make up... well, me. I know my online presence is most know for my pink and bubbly DIY channel, but I want to express myself. all of myself, and that's why I made this blog. To show the sides of me that aren't seen elsewhere (within reason)

Image result for kawaii old man
He's someone I look up to. Let's face it. I'm strange, and i'm only going to get weirder. This is my end goal, to be completely comfortable with myself. He's quite a brilliant teacher, but super adorable too.  

Image result for mori lifestyle

I'd like to incorporate mori into my life style a bit more. I'm thinking about having one day in the week where i use no electronics (I haven't figured out an appropriate day yet... but i will!)

17- What’s your favorite season and why? Autumn is the best! you can pack on the layers, it's not too hot or too cold. The trees are super pretty, not to mention all the activities.
  • bonfires
  • hayrides
  • apple picking
  • pumpkin picking
  • harvest festivals
  • Halloween
  • apple festivals
  • neighborhood movie nights
  • getting in the last camping tricks
  • hiking
  • biking in the brisk air
Fall is really the best!!!

Sadly the questions for this particular challenge has been removed, so this will be the last set of questions I will be answering from it.

this barely qualifies as a post

So I was out walking my dog and shot this. I just wanted to share this .

Canon t5i testing: Relaxing day out (image heavy)

So I went to D.C for a bit and took some photos on the way. There's not much to say, but that's cool the post is just about the pictures anyway :D

This one is my favorite

 playing with a new lens

The swamp I live next to

If I could have a mori related business it would be…

I’d probably have my own brick and mortar store that sells accessories and lifestyle related goods. I would name it MuKaShiMuKaShi, which is roughly long, long ago/ once upon a time. (This is something I really really want to do. I’ve already started making plans for it, but realistically speaking, I can only do this after retirement or once I get more time on my hands.) The door would be a dark red, and have a welcome mat that says mukashi mukashi. There’d be a whole wall dedicated to hand knitted scarves, and hats and the floor will be made of bamboo. (it grows really fast, so replacing the bamboo I used for the flooring is possible, and won’t damage the environment as badly as other trees.) The theme is lost in the forest (with references to Japanese American, and Chinese folklore), so front half will have English ivy running up to the ceiling and the floor and crown molding will twist ad twin like vines. In the corner there will be giant willow trees made of resin with a matte finish. The trees will have drawers with different size tights in them.(includes petite- plus size). I also want an armoire full of baskets and purses. The checkout center will resemble snow white’s glass coffin and have fake amaranth, lavender, and orchids at the base. Wooden clothes racks full of up cycled garments will fill the center of the store. There will be mushroom shaped chairs outside the dressing room. As you go further into the store there will be a door way (with out a door, just a separation.) Above the door will read flora and once you enter and turn around the other side should say fauna. This side will continue the theme that the last room had but contains thinks related to dark mori. In this room there will be stationary with my mascots on them, and all sorts of nick-nacks. I want there to be a giant “magic” mirror for people to check themselves out in. Because this side is darkly inclined, there should be shelves at the top of this room with taxidermy. (I want an annual auction at the end of the year, and for the proceeds to go to a different charity each year.) At the very back should be a trunk full of animal shaped mufflers (don’t worry its all faux fur).   One wall should have a section of necklaces and rings on those rotating stands, but I want them to look like dead trees. The products are what really interest me. (I’ve already started sketching some things, and I'll add them when my scanner cooperates with me.)
As for the products, they’re where the theme really ties in. I want things that embody the best of my favorite stories. (so obviously there will be a ton of cheng e, children’s day, snow white, and beauty and the beast related items)

Timed prompt: write about an object you saw today.

write about an object you saw today.
Object: mint green bike

Image result for mint green bike with wooden two baskets
Time limit: 1.5 hours
    I imagined a perfectly wasted Wednesday as I looked at the mint green bike in the shop window. It would start just before the periwinkle dawn. I guess it would be one of those days where I'd roll out of bed and glide through my morning routine. I rarely have time o eat breakfast at home so the smell of fresh blueberry tea, toast and the chocolate spread I got from my brother last week was a real treat. My apartment was small and whimsical, but perfect for me. My little burgundy table, now adorned with breakfast items, was beginning to show its age. It was worn and chipped revealing small bits of cedar wood in the smallest cracks an crevasses of the detailed swirls. On the other side of the table behind the rabbit shaped salt an pepper shakers lay my phone. I was going to do something I never thought I'd do. I grabbed  my phone cleared my throat, and speed dialed the number. My heart began to pound as I let out a coughing fit so ferocious that it should've came with a warning sign. The called ended some 2-3 minutes later. I felt a huge rush of relief, fallowed by guilt, then a soothing feeling of accomplishment. I called in sick, something in which I was known for not doing. I then pocketed my phone, shuffled past my Lhasa apso poodle, grabbed my bag and sashayed out the door. I popped out my front door and looked at my car for a while. I jingled and jangle my keys in my hand before throwing them to the bottom of my bag. I swerved from my usual path and headed past my garden and into the back yard. The wooden fence that graded my most prize possessions loomed over me as if the lumber guardians knew what I had in mind. I opened the gate and looked at the mint green bike I had purchased sometime ago. Back when I let myself get carried away in daydreams. It was lying there, stagnate, still, and cold to the touch. I don't know why I was surprised that it hadn't moved from the last time I rode it, but I was. I put my right foot on the pedal and swung my other over to the other side. Then I pulled out several hair ties from my bag and began to tie up any excess clothing that could get caught in the chain. I began to pedal my was back out the gates, waving goodbye to the guardians and the sneaky English ivy that crawled up the side of my house. The pedals were stiffened with age, but as I pushed they remembered how move smoothly. The faster I pushed the harder the wind would push against my face as the wheels would glide across the pavement.
    I merged off the asphalt onto a dirt road. The trees grew taller with every passing minute. The leaves bled colors from emeralds to  sunshine yellows, oranges, and cardinal red. The roads began to swirl and curve causing me to cautiously slow down. I pulled my tangled ear buds out of my bag and pedaled to the rhythm of each song. I occasionally oscillated my head to see the frolicking squirrels  above me or to catch the occasional deer pose in the second arabesque in between dancing through the shrubbery. The crisp autumn air made the warm smell of beignets more comforting, but where was hat smell coming from? I trailed the smell for awhile before arriving at a large cabin adjacent to a small greenhouse. I leaned my bike on the side of the cabin, untied my clothes an curiously looked around the property. The sign next to the door read "Rose's all day baked goods special! today only!" in pastel chalk. I then peered through the window and accidentally met eyes with an elderly lady. "I s that rose?" I thought. The lady gave a warm smile an waved me inside. I hesitated and remembered the story of Hansel and Gretel, but removed my helmet with a sheepish smile an walked in the cabin.
     The cabin felt much larger than it looked. The ceiling had wooden beams, and cream chandeliers hanged from them. The windows where adorned with cream curtains, and furniture looked like the vintage  findings of a nostalgic grandmother. The tables had lace covers and the chairs were a combination of benches and ladder backs. The wall furthest from me had cubbies stacked on top of another. Inside of them were plants, books, a pair of yellow rain  boots with  little sprouts of mother-in law's tongue coming out the top, a type writer, and a small sepia toned globe. The woman, who I can only assume to be Rose, waved her hand in my direction. "miss?" she questioned. I know I looked surprised and that that was why she began to chuckle. I admit I am the type of person to fall so deep into thought that it is very hard to crawl out. Rose continued with "where would you like to sit?" I've never been asked where I'd like to sit before. I'm usually stuffed in the back somewhere, or placed at a table where people are already seated. It's not an uncommon thing really. The crowds near my job made eating like that a frequent but necessary evil especially since I tend to dine alone. I pointed to the bench with the knitted cushions near the bay window. "Great, I get you a menu and be back in a bit , pumpkin." Said Rose. I sat down and looked at the back of an elderly man's neck before turning my attention to the other customers. None of them looked a like. There where two people closest to the door I came through. A man in a suit and a woman in a black dress with red hair. 
Time Stop! (this is a pretty good story but it's as far as I could get in 90 minutes )\
 Ahh! There are so many mistakes in here, but I guess that's what happens when you speed write.
Do you think I should continue the story? What do you think happens in the end? Want to give this writing prompt a try? Go for it! Think of 1 object you saw today an write nonstop for an hour and a half. Where does your writing take you? Did you stay on topic, or did your writing take a turn?  

timed prompt: mori bucket list

Things I'd like to do relating to Mori kei fashion/lifestyle. (or coarse I'm going to pu a time limit on writing this because... well it's more fun that way!)

Time limit 2 min.:
  1. horse back riding
  2. go see alpacas
  3. a picnic in the mile o a forest
  4. a picnic in a graveyard
  5. start a meet up group
  6. make fairy door wall stickers and stick them on my doors
  7. plant a garden
  8. go thrift store hopping for a whole day
  9. host a happy unbirthday party in the park
  10. go hiking
  11. bird watching
  12. host a book swap
  13. sew most of my wardrobe
  14. castle tours 
  15. spend a day making candles
  16. take pictures of everything!
  17. stay in a cottage for holiday/vacation
  18. ... I want a pen pal
  19. coor book: a book full of outfits (maybe hand drawn?) 
  20. I want to learn how to pickle things... I will be the pickle queen 
  21. adopt a bunny
  22. design a mori inspired swim suit... hat might be tough...
  23. introduce the style/lifestyle to someone else
  24. get my brother to wear a coord... he'd be soo cute \ >0< /
Do you have a mori related bucket list? If not you should make one and ime yourself. Did you beat my score

hobbies list

hobbies list
    Because I have more time in the summer, I've been thinking of new hobbies to try. So here's a list of things to try
    • biking   
    •   traveling    
    • playing an instrument
    • knitting 
    • photography  
    • flower pressing 
    •   collecting things 
    • is daydreaming a hobby?
    • embroidery
    •   painting/
    • drawing 
    • gardening 
    • blogging/writing 
    •  camping
    • hiking
    • baking 
    • cooking
    • sewing 
    • learn a new language
    • scrapbooking
    • sculpting
    • singing
    • pottery
    • antique hunting
    • thrifting
    • collecting stamps/stationary
    • write a pen pal
    • bee keeping
    • bird watching
    • ghost hunting (dark mori?)
    • story telling night
    • sand art
    • swimming
    • make  a time capsule
    • people watching
    • star gazing
    •     Woodworking
    • making candles
    • trying/making home remedies
    •     Soap making
    • tombstone rubbing (dark mori?)
    • Home Canning and Jarring
    • redecorate your room

    Mori kei writing challenge day 2

    Mori kei writing challenge day 2

    2. Mind Garden: Describe your dream garden

    My dream garden, eh? Hm... I suppose it would be relatively large. and seasons would have to be non-existent. I'd like the entry to have large rusted gates with English ivy winding up it's sides. To the immediate left are tall lush lavenders and blue lady hellebores. As you walk in, the garden has a downward slop and the lavenders and hellebores transitions to some rosa chinensis . If you look closely enough, underneath the growth of moss, you can see a weathered statues of gargoyles and animals posted throughout the garden. Right smack dab in the middle would be a red picnic table under a willow tree. Yeah, that would be perfect.

    Wednesday, February 1, 2017

    writing challenge day 3

    writing challenge day 3: Furry Friends: Write a short adventure with an animal companion.

    I've been pet sitting lately. Like a lot, and I really like it. This little guy is loosing his eyesight, so going on walks was kind of hard at first. I'd have to tell him where the sidewalks end and begin, or where walls are. Things have been getting better though. Now we speed walk across the neighborhood in the afternoons, run in the morning and stroll in the evening.

    I feel bad for Pumpkin (my dog) because she's so slow and she ends up trailing behind us. Today was a particularly interesting day. It was about 80 degrees (F) during our morning run, then  it was about 50 degrees about four hours later. We went out and scoured the neighborhood for any unsniffed areas (both dogs were getting a feel for the new walking rout) . Later that night it started snowing. Yeah, snowing. After we got back I watched as one dog smelled every corner of the house ,to make sure this was the same house we entered and left out of the last couple of times we went out, and watched the other slyly nudge toys in and out of the pathway. It's not much of an adventure, but the whole things was all to cute.