Sunday, December 31, 2017

My top favorite shows

I recently came down with the flu and couldn't do much but sip tea and catch up on some shows. (which would be utter bliss, except for the constant coughing, aching and fever.) Anyway, I decided to make a list of some of my favorite shows
They're not very "mori like", but they're still good.

Anne with an E. I mentioned this show in an earlier post, but feel the need to mention it again.  The character development is PHENOMENAL!!!! I believe a second season will be coming out this year.

Pushing daisies. This show is about Ned, a pie maker, who can bring the dead back to life. I loved this show when it first came on, but it was sadly canceled.

The finder. This is one of those rare binge-worthy shows that makes you feel no guilt for watching the whole thing in a week. It's about a eccentric tracker named Walter Sherman. He can find anything!

Phsych is about a Shawn, "a psychic" that works with the Santa Barbra police to solve crimes.

The good place is jam packed full of moral philosophy. It follows Elenor Shellstrop, a recently deceased woman with a rather... colorful history. What will happen to her in the afterlife?


Friday, December 15, 2017

The icy fingers of death: Gardening tips for winter

The icy fingers of death: Gardening tips for winter

     Well, the seasons have changed and I can safely say that winter is coming. Winter can be detrimental on plants depending on your location, so here's a little list of things to keep in mind. 

  1. If your grass is looking a little patchy, put down seeds in the fall. This way they can germinate underneath the snow, and give you a full look come springtime.
  2. Winter is the best time to take notes on future projects. Use late November and December to decide what you want to plant and how, as well as research new tips and tricks. 
  3. Pruning decaying plants will help keep everything neat. If you need to cut any tree branches do it now. There aren't any leaves to get in the way, and it'll make your spring to-do list much shorter. 
  4. Remove excess leaves or foliage around plants, and drain unnecessary water. (puddles) This step reduces the risk of rotting near the base of the plants, water born insects (misquotes) and pests.  
  5.  Add mulch! Mulch will keep the solid warm during the harsh cold months. It basically gives the soil a season long hug. Ah, but birds may mess with the mulch, so keep an eye out for that.
  6. keep an eye on the weather. If you have a lot of outdoor plants beware of the first frost. The first frost can do some serious damage if you're not prepared. 
  7. preparing for the cold! You didn't think I'd say prepare for the cold without telling you how, did you? First up, cover your plants. Wrap the base of shrubs,  and trees with burlap and muslin. You can use these type of fabrics on other plants, but take into account the weight of the fabric and the strength of the plant. Some people cover there plants with plastic, but that locks in too much moisture and can damage the plants. In the event of using fabric and or plastic use discretion. This isn't one of those "one size fits all" solutions, so take the time to figure out which method is best for your plants.
  8. climbers (plants that scale other plants or surfaces. Ex. ivy, vines, honeysuckle, morning glory...) should be secured with some sort of plant tie for extra support. (especially if you get a lot of heavy snow)

This list is primarily for flowers, but if you want a "Gardener's winter to-do" list for fruits or vegetables let me know by leaving a comment. I am still getting the rest of my social media together, but I'll try to include my handles in another post. 

Thursday, December 7, 2017

This year is winding down.

Wow, I can't believe this year is almost over. I guess this is a good time to come back from hiatus, no?
I've noticed a spike in activity within the mori community, and couldn't be any happier. I've read interesting blog post, and decided to have a list of my favorites. (You know how much I love lists, right?) Now, these won't necessarily be posts that were written this year, just ones that I've managed to read this year.

Best of 2017 blog posts 
  1. "when my heart aches" by dollmori.blogspot First off, let's talk about the layout of this blog. It's sooo pretty, and creative. (words can't express how much I love the lace trimming on the sides of the post) Now it's a straightforward lists of quotes (a lot of which I've never heard of, but also connect with.) It's a quick read, but well worth it.
  2. books spotlight :The practical naturalist... by the plant that never blooms This is almost like reading through  Skimming throught some of the artwork and details presented in Chris Pakham's book The practical naturalist. The colors of each page are vibrant , and the commentary is very relatable. I too, buy books faster than I can read them. 
  3. A deer a day by theforestmaid I thought this was a neat activity, and her art work is so good. There all pained, and each one gives off a different feel. I especially like the blue one. I hope that I can carve enough time out of my day to actually draw or paint #Adeeraday too.
  4. I can't wear mori kei because...  There's no reason that should prohibit a person from wearing mori kei if they want to! This is a very clear, and enjoyable read that addresses some pretty common concerns of people who feel like they can't wear mori kei. Honestly, I didn't think I could wear it either, so reading a post that's this relatable was comforting.
  5. strega- only for witches by Madame Chocolate  Now this post is in spanish, so let me cover the main points. 
  • The post begins with Mai magi's (who is a popular tumblr user) thoughts on dark mori and how it no longer represents her as a fashion style. 
  • The post quickly runs through her thoughts on strega as a fashion and how it pulls from the mori kei , and dark mori aesthetic.
  • Strega, and dark mori are different. Strega also pulls inspiration from the occult, boho styles, and nu-goth. 
  • While it (strega fashion) does have obvious goth influences, it's not considered goth because it lacks any relation to the music, and only relates to goth (a multi-facited counterculture sub-culture that has been around for decades) through fashion.  
  • The post continues to explain that strega's values are in the complete freedom from any guidelines, save the inspiration of witches, whereas mori kei has a desired silhouette, and colors schemes. It is, in essence, its own style and should be treated as such.
  • This post quickly addresses the waves of people expressing concern for strega's potential and or unintended cultural appropriation. Because it's name and symbols stem from religious roots, #strega seems more like a fashion fad, and ultimately upset some wiccans, and magic practitioners. (Not every wiccan or magic practitioner was upset, but the fact that even a few were needed to be addressed.)The word fashion was added to differentiate between the style and religion.     
  • After mai magi's "strega fashion manifest" was created, the fashion began to morph from its original from (which was dark mori with over the top layering and skulls) to a whole aesthetic. The makeup, and hair became more elaborate, Ouija board tights and animal bones became more prevalent, and sub-styles of strega began popping up.           

These were just a few, but my are they gems! Why stop at just blog posts, let's do a string of "best of 2017"categories.

  1. From here to eternity: where to find the good death by Caitlin Doughty. This is my new treasure. It basically follows Caitlin, a mortician and youtube personality, on her journey to "find the good death". She examines how other cultures view and interact with the concept of death and dying. Honestly, It's a refreshing read. I personally think America's standard of caring for the dead is too impersonal, so I would recommend this book to any one but especially the darkly inclined or the curious  
  2. The picture of Dorian Grey. Yes, I've read this book many a times, but, but, but I find something new every time I do. This book follows Dorian, an incredible beautiful man who seems to never age, through his decent into darkness. There are all the lovely makings of a gothic novel in it. There are creepy locked rooms, mysterious paintings, romance and tragedy, fantastic mockery of the elite, stormy and winter nights, and death! 
Now, I know I focussed a lot on goth music over the last few posts, but this is strictly for  Mori kei, and Dark mori.

Mori kei
Dark mori 
  1.  don't look bak by AIHVHIA
  2. cary on wayward son lullaby. Okay, this is a different version of this song, but I figured that it's too good of a song not to include it.
  3. once upon a dream by lana del rey