Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Writing challenge day 1

Day 1-Comfort Food: Write about eating or preparing a meal.

Now, you're not going to believe this but. Dry cereal.... Yeah If that's not a box of  "I just want to chill today." I  don't know what is. I like Boo berry cereal the best. It's that Halloween cereal that most people in the states could point out from across the groceries store isle.  I give each of the little ghost a voice as I toss them into the deep abyss (mah face).

Image result for boo berry cereal

look at his face. This is the face of a ghost that just doesn't care! (AND I LOVE IT!)

Monday, January 30, 2017

Welcome to the gardening section.

Nightshade's Garden:  In #Nightshade's #Garden ~ Ghost Plants.: After a while of searching for gothic garden on YouTube (and finding mostly spooky box club videos) I found a little gem that I just had to share. gothic gardening by sustainahillbilly If you've seen my Pinterest you would know that I pin A TON of things in regards to plants. I've wanted my own garden for quits sometime now. My dad has always been big on planting, and used to have a balcony full of plant. (In fact, if you walked by it you could see foliage peeking out and falling through the balcony's bars. We even had a whole section of the kitchen dedicated to plants.) Sadly, planting anything was just not possible. There's never enough time, and there are strict rules for our community about what you can and can't plant. Thankfully (you didn't think this was going to be a sad ranting post did you? Oh no dears, positivity is preferable.) I can always do some planning for the next time I move, and talk about indoor gardening. Yay!